While lounging in the sun on vacation, I was flipping through the pages of the February Martha Stewart Living magazine when I stumbled on this idea for a Valentine for my hubby. I tried to find the card on her website to link to here, but wasn't successful......it is in the magazine if you want to pick it up to see her version!
The magazine showed red envelopes with white notecards, but I had white envelopes with red cardstock so I just went with what I had on hand! I used my Silhouette to create 10 note cards with a scalloped edge and tiny heart cutouts. On each card I wrote one thing that I loved about my husband (you can always make me laugh, you always wash the dishes, etc...). They can be sweet, silly or anything you like. For five of the cards, I included gift certificates/cards that corresponded to the message on the card.
Mine were as follows:
- You can always make me laugh: Gift card to the movies to be used to see a funny film together
You can always make my heart melt: Gift card to Dairy Queen (ice cream melts!!)
You always tell me I look beautiful, even when I don't!: Gift certificate to his barber (to keep him lookin' good!)
You would give anyone the shirt off your back if they needed it: Gift certificate to his cleaners (to clean said shirts)
You are an amazing father: Gift card to a local grocery chain to be used for "pop" for this car cooler (he travels a lot for work and keeps a cooler of drinks in his car to keep from spending so much on drinks at gas stations.)
Once I had all of my envelopes stuffed, I used a gluestick to glue the flap of one envelope to the front of another creating a long chain of envelopes.
Then I folded it up, accordian style, and sealed the top flap with a label that I, again, created using my Silhouette (see pic at the beginning of this post). Lastly, I tied it all up with a red satin ribbon and now I have a pretty (but still manly) Valentine to give my sweetheart tomorrow!